The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies at Umeå University’s Faculty of Humanities conducts education and research in the fields of archaeology, philosophy, history, history of ideas, religious studies and theology. The department is now seeking an Assistant Professor in Philosophy with focus on Artificial Intelligence.
Description and working tasks
The position as Assistant Professor is a tenure track position and contains both research for scientific qualification and teaching for pedagogical qualification with the aim to be able to meet the qualification requirements for appointment as an Associate Professor. The employment is limited to four years and 60 % consists of time for research in philosophy of artificial intelligence and 40 % consists of teaching in philosophy.
The Assistant Professor is expected to conduct high-quality philosophical AI research and develop the department’s AI research environment by applying for and obtaining external funding, and develop collaborations in AI research within as well as and outside the department. The work also includes teaching courses at first and second-cycle level in philosophy including courses with focus on artificial intelligence as well as planning of teaching, course administration in philosophy and other pedagogical qualifications such as university pedagogical courses.
Qualification requirements
A person who holds a doctorate in philosophy or has equivalent academic competence is eligible for an appointment as Assistant Professor. Priority should be given to candidates who have completed their doctoral degree or has achieved equivalent academic competence no more than five years before the deadline of the application as an Assistant Professor. A person who holds a doctorate or has achieved equivalent expertise earlier can also be considered if special reasons obtain. Special reason refers to leave of absence due to illness, parental leave or other similar circumstances (Chapter 4, Section 4a, Higher Education Ordinance).
Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written, as well as the ability to teach in English is a requirement for the position.
Assessment criteria
The assessment criteria for selection for employment as Assistant Professor are: Research and educational expertise in the area of philosophy, experience of administrative activities, development work and a good ability to work with others.
The research expertise must have been demonstrated by independent research production. The criteria for assessment are:
- breadth and depth of research - quality and scope
- originality of research
- productivity
- contributions to the international research community
- assignments within the research community
- the ability to competitively obtain external research funding
- collaboration with the surrounding society
The research expertise must also be assessed on the basis of the research plan that the applicant encloses with the application.
Educational expertise must refer to the subject area philosophy or equivalent. The educational expertise for employment as Assistant Professor must have been demonstrated through documented experience of teaching on a scientific basis within higher education. The criteria for assessment are:
- an ability to plan, implement and evaluate teaching and an ability to supervise and examine students at every level of education
- an ability to vary teaching methods and examination formats in relation to anticipated study results and the nature of the subject
- experience of collaboration with the surrounding society in planning and implementation of education
- participation in the development of learning environments, teaching aids and study resources
- a reflective approach to student learning and one’s own role as a teacher
These skills can be obtained through higher education teacher training, other training relevant to teaching within higher education and/or documented, proven experience of teaching in higher education.
Weighing the evaluation criteria against each other
Equal importance will be given to evaluating the research and educational expertise. In weighing these two evaluation criteria, the research expertise will be given greatest importance. In addition, importance will be given to the other evaluation criteria.
Particular importance will be given to the degree of research expertise both as demonstrated in philosophy with focus on artificial intelligence and in other parts of philosophy.
Particular importance will also be given the enclosed research plan, its quality and feasibility and its relevance to the field of philosophical research on artificial intelligence.
Large importance will be given to the degree of educational expertise in philosophy.
Development work as well as planning and execution of teaching and examination is largely carried out in teams of other researchers and teachers. Importance will be given to a good ability to work with others.
The appointments procedure for teachers at Umeå University:
Consideration for promotion to Associate Professor
An Assistant Professor, upon application, is to be promoted to Associate Professor (Sw. universitetslektor) if he or she is qualified for an appointment as an Associate Professor and upon review is deemed to meet the requirements for such appointment according to the assessment grounds to be applied in a promotion to Associate Professor. Such a promotion entails an open-ended contract as an Associate Professor.
Prior to the appointment of an Assistant Professor, the criteria for promotion must be established. The application for review for promotion must be submitted six months before the fixed-term appointment ends. If an Assistant Professor is not promoted after review, the fixed-term appointment ends.
Qualifications requirements for promotion to Associate Professor
A person is eligible to be employed as Associate Professor of Philosophy with a focus on Artificial Intelligence if he or she has shown educational expertise, has been awarded a doctorate in philosophy or equivalent, and has the academic competence or other professional skills that are relevant to the subject content of the employment and the tasks that it contains.
A requirement for promotion to Associate Professor is good competence in Swedish or other Scandinavian language, both spoken and written, and an ability to teach in that language.
Assessment criteria for promotion to Associate Professor
Central working tasks included in a subsequent employment as Associate Professor in Philosophy with focus on Artificial Intelligence are development of the department’s AI research environment, research leadership and supervision of doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows within the AI research area. A documented ability to obtain external research funding in competition and to lead research projects as well as having completed a course for supervisors of postgraduate students constitute competence requirements for promotion to Associate Professor, as well as the ability to teach in Swedish (or another Scandinavian language).
In addition, the assessment criteria for promotion to Associate Professor shall include the degree of research expertise in philosophy with focus on artificial intelligence, educational expertise in philosophy, and administrative and other relevant experience regarding the subject content of the employment and the tasks that it contains. Criteria for the assessment of research and educational expertise can be found in the appointments procedure for teachers at Umeå University:
General assessment criteria are a good ability to cooperate, as well as other competence and suitability needed to fulfil the tasks. Administrative expertise is another important assessment criterion to consider.
After a promotion to Associate Professor the position includes – unless special assignments or funding for extra research time – 80 % teaching/administration and 20 % skill development (normally devoted to research).
Information about which documents must be submitted with the application can be found in the Guidelines for applications for employment and promotion at Umeå University’s Faculty of Arts:
Please note that a research plan (for philosophical AI research) is to be submitted, and that digital versions of publications to be considered are to be attached in Varbi.
Further information
The place of work is Umeå. In order to carry out teaching, attend planning meetings and fulfil other tasks that are part of the employment, a high level of attendance at the department is required. Starting date is 1 January 2022 or according to agreement.
There are currently fewer female than male associate professors in philosophy, and we therefore especially encourage applications from female applicants.
For questions about the position, please contact the subject representative, Pär Sundström (+46 90-7865163, or Head of Department, Jonas Nilsson (+46 90-7869990, For questions about application and the recruitment process, please contact HR coordinator Sara Filppa (+46 90-7868835,
More information about the department and the philosophy subject can be found at:
We look forward to receiving your application!